
Tech camp of the Bern IT company IPT AG

The Bern-based IT consulting company IPT AG successfully carried out a two-day tech camp on the platform last week. The twenty employees were enthusiastic about our location and the Haslital.

"Danke nochmals, dass wir die Plattform Haslital besuchen durften! Wir haben die Zeit genossen und haben unsere Ziele auch dank der Location erreichen können." Christoph Suter, IPT


May 24, 2019: Book vernissage «Family excursions to SAC huts»

The book launch of the recently published SAC hiking guide “Family excursions to SAC huts” will take place on May 24, 2019 at 7 pm in the Haslital platform in Meiringen. The SAC section Oberhasli and author Heidi Schwaiger invite all those interested to read, followed by an aperitif and book sales.


May 4, 2019: Street Festival Meiringen

The platform Haslital takes part in the street festival "Up in the village" from Saturday 04.05.2019 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Platformers present their products, services and projects. There is music and something to drink.
On the same day, the Gleitigscht Oberhasler (sprints and kilometer run) and various Sherlock Holmes activities take place in the village.
We are looking forward to your visit.

Impressions from the opening of the Haslital platform

On Saturday, March 30, 2019, the time has come: The Haslital platform will be officially opened after one and a half years of preparation.
Numerous friends, acquaintances and interested people came to the opening on the Haslital platform.
In addition to short speeches by Mayor Roland Frutiger and Hans Christian Leiggener from Unesco, Matthias Etter provided musical entertainment of a special kind with Panaccusticum.


30.03.2019: Haslital platform opens

On Saturday, March 30, 2019, the time has come: The Haslital platform will be officially opened after one and a half years of preparation. We look forward to celebrating with you in the freshly furnished premises at Alpbachstrasse 5 and 7 in Meiringen.


10:00 am | Door opening

11:00 a.m. | Opening act

11:30 a.m. | Aperitif

2:00 pm | surprise

4:00 pm | End of the event

The preview in the JungfrauZeitung can be found here:


23.03.2019: establishment day

On the day of the facility, a week before the opening date, many volunteers have sanded, oiled, screwed, painted and much more.

Thanks to everyone involved.
