
Gut geflickt, statt neu gekauft

Zum dritten Mal organisiert die Plattform Haslital das «Repair Café Haslital», wo talentierte Bastler und Handwerker aus kaputten Alltagsgegenständen wieder brauchbare Ware machen. Von Kaffeemaschinen, über Textilien bis zu Kinderspielzeug kann alles vorbeigebracht und repariert werden.

Marcel Schwaiger, repaircafe@ platformhaslital.ch, 079 758 85 33


Repair Café abgesagt

Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wird das Repair Café am kommenden 8. Mai 2021 nicht stattfinden.
Das Positive: Mittlerweile gibt es auch hierfür digitale Alternativen. Falls ihr einen Gegenstand habt, den ihr gerne jetzt repariert haben möchtet, könnt ihr dies online anmelden und wir werden uns dann mit euch in Verbindung setzen. Probiert es aus!
Das nächste, echte Repair Café findet (aller Voraussicht nach) am 16. Oktober 2021 statt. Wir freuen uns bereits jetzt auf einen weiteren erfolgreichen Reparaturtag!


Second edition of the Repair Café Haslital

Patch instead of throwing away! That is the motto in the Repair Café of the Haslital platform - and this for the second time. On October 17, 2020, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., dedicated and talented volunteers will repair all kinds of objects that are broken or no longer work properly. Due to the corona pandemic, this time the event will not take place in the location of the Haslital platform, but in the tram hall in Meiringen. Coffee and cake are also provided.

For the second time, the Haslital cooperative will be involved in Swiss Repair Day on October 17, 2020. This is an initiative of the Consumer Protection Foundation and is taking place for the fifth time this year. An important aspect of the Repair Cafés is sustainability: What works again is still needed and does not end up in the trash. This saves resources and money. Around 100 items were repaired in autumn 2019 at the first Repair Café in Meiringen - a complete success.

Motivated, volunteer repairers
The organizers of the Repair Café Haslital, Marco Liechti and Marcel Schwaiger, were once again able to convince committed repairers who volunteer to help mending objects for a day. Be it a pair of trousers with a hole, a toy train that no longer runs or a Bäbi who is missing an arm, the volunteer flickers take on all kinds of objects. And the success rate is impressive at around 90 percent last year. Electronic and electrical devices, textiles, wooden goods and toys can be patched. A 3D printer is also available, which has already provided good service for repairs. Spare parts can be partially restored in this way. If you have to wait or want to take a little break, you can have a coffee and eat cake in the tram hall.

And then to the cinema
After the Repair Café Haslital, production and consumption are also an issue in the Meiringen cinema.
In cooperation with the Friends of Cinema Meiringen, those interested can watch the film "Walden" on the said Saturday at 5 pm. In the film by Swiss producer Daniel Zimmermann, production realities are twisted. A tree from a forest in Austria is processed into thousands of wooden slats and then transported to the Brazilian rainforest. Zimmermann also questions the mechanisms of the globalized economy. The film will be shown again on Monday, October 20th at 8 p.m.

Marcel Schwaiger, repaircafe@ platformhaslital.ch, 079 758 85 33


Panel discussion on combat aircraft

On the occasion of the vote on September 27, the Haslital platform is organizing a panel discussion in the Aula Meiringen on Friday, September 11, 2020 at 7 p.m. Opponents and supporters of the procurement of new combat aircraft will discuss together under the moderation of Matthias Mast (Platform Jungfrau Zeitung).


Repair Café Haslital canceled

Due to the current situation, the Repair Café Haslital will not take place on Saturday, May 2nd, 2020.

The next date is Saturday, October 17th, 2020, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

So keep your broken items and bring them over in the fall.



1. Repair Café Haslital

As part of the 4th Swiss Repair Day, the first edition of the Repair Café Haslital will take place on the Haslital platform on Saturday, October 19, 2019.


Work Smart Week

The 5th Work Smart Week will take place from August 26 to 30, 2019: a national action week on the future of work.

Check out the Haslital platform, the new co-working space in Meiringen, during this time.
Lerne uns kennen, nutze unsere Arbeitsplätze und die Infrastruktur - und zwar gratis!
We look forward to you!

More information about the initiative at work-smart-initiative.ch


Panaccusticum - Der singende See

Cooperative and jack of all trades Matthias Etter invites you to a very special concert next Saturday.

Melodies, played live on a violin, are repeated as a short echo one or more times panorama-wise from left to right. A polyphony arises, similar to a canon. An immense sound space is created over the Funtenensee.
