The summer newsletter

Dear platformers, dear partners, interested parties

We would be happy to send you some summer reading on vacation.

"Flexible forms of work - an opportunity for rural areas?" Asks "regioS", the magazine for regional development, which appears in print and online every six months. We mean very clearly: "Yes, flexible forms of work are an opportunity!" and got us over for the detailed reporting in the magazine and about that Portrait of the platform happy. According to a survey by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) there are now fifty coworking spaces in rural areas that are used regularly by 2,500 people. And: coworking spaces can even become the "nucleus of village development". The exciting articles on the opportunities of working anywhere in different rural regions of Switzerland in the new «regioS» magazine. Have a look!

Copyright: Regiosuisse / Priska Ketterer

Platformers Profiles - please fill in!

Around ten people now work regularly on the platform, and there are also individual guests who stop by irregularly or spontaneously. The platform is a coworking space, but we also hope that the people who are on site can exchange ideas, discuss and, whenever possible, inspire and support each other. To make it easier to get to know each other and exchange ideas, we have created a nice poster wall in the A5. Some profiles are already hanging and we ask the other platters to fill out their profile, take a photo and pin the whole thing on the wall. Thank you so much!

All those who do not regularly come to the platform are of course also invited to take a closer look at the platformers, or at least their profiles. The A5 is open to everyone - including coffee!

New guest in the platform shop window: Natirli!

Viele von euch haben sie sicherlich bereits im Plattform Schaufenster gesehen: Die bunten Plakate mit verschiedenen Porträts und der Aufschrift «Natirli». Sie stehen für die neue Kampagne des Standortmarketings & Regionalentwicklung Region Haslital Brienz. Ziel der Kampagne ist es, die Leute im Hasli und darüber hinaus zum Einkaufen vor Ort zu animieren, in Erinnerung zu rufen, welche Wirtschaftsleistung die Unternehmen für die Region erbringen und wie viele Arbeitsplätze die Geschäfte und Unternehmen für die einheimische Bevölkerung schaffen. Wer mag, kann den Wettbewerbstalon ausfüllen und einen Gutschein im Wert von 500.- Franken gewinnen. Die Aktion «Natirli» ist übrigens auch auf Facebook.

Listening tip: Talk to the Alpine researcher Werner Bätzing about the opportunities in the country

Rural life is an endangered way of life, says at least the well-known and now emeritus professor of cultural geography, Werner Bätzing, in an interview with SRF 2. With creativity and political will, however, a U-turn is possible for the rural regions, Bätzing finds and presents key ideas for an upgrade of country life. The platform listening tip for August.

Officially free

The company groups are still looking for someone who can take on the “maintenance” department and who would like to get involved in the platform. If you are interested and have some technical skills, sign up info@ We're glad!

Kind regards, the platform company group

Questions or suggestions? info@ or 033 553 41 09
